Home Page Font Color
Sorry to ask such a silly question, how do you change the font color?
I have a white background so I would like to change the font to red or black.thanks
Hello @japanou
Can you please specify which text font color are you referring to.
Thanks. I found it in one of the css.
can you tell which css file i have the same problem my background image is light so i need to change the welcome and hotelname and tag line to black
thanks in advance -
Hi @zayno70
To change the font color of welcome, hotelname and tag line, you need to do changes in the file at below path.
hotelcommerce/modules/hotelreservationsystem/views/css/HotelReservationFront.css - line:20.Also, you may need to change the user info font color(https://prnt.sc/svpetq). For this, you need to do changes in file at below path.
You will need to change color property for the following elements.
#user_info_acc {} -> LINE:1
#user_info_acc span.caret {} -> LINE:26
.header_user_info a {} -> LINE:36 -
Luckily, I read this article, I can't change the color of the text. Thanks a lot
Please share the screenshot where the text color is not changing.