how to get profile Id of google analytics
In the GOOGLE ANALYTICS API V3.0 module, I can get Client ID and Client Secret from your toturial, but I don't know how to get profile Id to complete registing
The last step of your totural is different with new UI of google analytics at the moment, I spent long time to find a way.
Please help me to get Profile Id for this in google analytics
Thank you
Tu -
In order to find your Profile ID, Connect to the Analytics dashboard ( You must login to the google analytics account. then look at the URL in the address bar.
Your Profile ID is the number following a "p", as shown in the screenshot. Please visit for the screenshot and more details. -
Hi think all steps are correct
I still can not get result, how can I check problem here? This function is so important for me
Please create a ticket at and share your back office login and FTP credentials.
We will have to check the issue on your server. -
I did here
Please help me
Thanks -
ok @duongledong4
We are checking your issue on the created ticket.