System Compatibility
Hosted Server Configurations compatible with QloApps:
Web server: Apache 1.3, Apache 2.x, Nginx or Microsoft IIS
PHP version above 5.4 and below 7.0
MySQL above 5.0 and below 5.7 installed with a database created
SSH or FTP access (ask your hosting service for your credentials)
In the PHP configuration set the memory limit to “128M”, upload max file size to “16M” and max execution time to “500”
SSL certificate if you plan to process payments internally (not using PayPal for instance)
Optional PHP extensions: cURL, SimpleXML, SOAPLocal Server Configurations compatible with QloApps:
Supported operating system: Windows, Mac and Linux
A prepared package of WampServer (for Windows), Xampp (for Windows and Mac) or EasyPHP (for Windows)
Web server: Apache 1.3, Apache 2.x, Nginx or Microsoft IIS
PHP version above 5.4 and 7.0
MySQL above 5.0 and below 5.7 installed with a database created
In the PHP configuration, set memory limit to “128M”, upload max file size to “16M” and max execution time to “500”
Optional PHP extensions: cURL, SimpleXML, SOAP